Saturday, February 8, 2025

League Rules

Last amended AGM July 2023

General Rules

1All teams wishing to enter in the League for the coming season must send a representative to the AGM. If no one is sent, the team will not be able to enter the league for that year.
2All captains must attend the captain’s meetings or send a representative; and to inform the secretary of any changes to their teams contact details. If a captain or a representative fails to attend a meeting or give apologies that team will be fined 10 points.
3Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Results Secretary, Team Captains and Fixture Secretary Form the committee.
4Team Fees are £9 per team per League game. No Cup Game of any form will incur Team fees
5Sticker up Fee for League, Knock Out Cup & Nomination are £1.50 per person with a minimum of £9 per team (were XYZ might be played) Sticker up Fees for Singles/Pairs/Chris Chapman contests are £2 per player
6Teams to consist of six players and up to two on the bottom, plus one more if opposing captain agrees.
7Games to commence at 8.30pm no later than 8.45pm unless specified differently by Fixtures secretary (Finals night, Contests etc)
8No player to play for more than one team in the Doulting and District League unless the team they did play for has left the league.

League Game Rules

9XYZ – to be used if a player(s) is not available, after the end of the second hand has been played.  Lowest score for that hand of either team across the board to be the score for these players
10Ball must land upon the alley before the second line or ‘No Ball’ will be called, any pins knocked down will be stood back up. The ball hitting the side of the alley is also a ‘No Ball’ as well.  It is the responsibility of the opposing Captain to look for this. Captains to agree on implementation of this rule before each match and disputes must be resolved upon the night.
11A scoring pin must be a fallen pin, any pin still standing whether in or out of the diamond is not a scoring pin
12No Games to be cancelled unless inclement weather, bereavement, or problem with alley availability.  The captain cancelling the game must inform the opposition and the results secretary, no later than 7.00pm on the night. They must also inform the Alley before 7.30pm; if this is not done the team will be fined £9. This will be paid to the sticker up. The game must be played within one calendar month of the cancellation. If it isn’t played rule 12 will come into play. No Cup games to be cancelled these must be played on the night and alley stated, no shows here will be seen as forfeit.
13Teams not turning up for a League match or exceeding the one month rule will have to pay Team fees for both teams for that game and pay sticker up. The team that did turn up will be awarded 9 points.
14Fixtures secretary to resolve disputes on cancelled games.
15Home Team to forward results to the results secretary after each game by text, email, or Facebook.  When texting or emailing please let him know the game score, pins & Highest scoring player.  Results must be received no later than the Sunday after the game was played.    Penalty for not sending results or for late fees is 10 points.
16Highest Pin scores from an Individual player in the League, Knockout Cup or Nomination Cup will count towards the Highest Score of the season trophy in both the Male/Female Categories.  Highest scores to be passed to the Results Secretary.

Cup Specific Rules – Note all Above Rules apply in addition to these

17Cup Matches to be arranged by the fixtures secretary and given to teams and sent to the alleys by secretary.
18Winning Teams to send results of Cup matches to Fixtures(07866 614074), so that next round matches can be arranged, and we can inform everyone, via the website who is left in the cup rounds.
19Players to have played a minimum of three games, to be eligible to play in the Singles and Pairs Cup Matches.
20SINGLES & PAIRS: Each team can enter as many players as they wish in both singles & pairs competitions, but   every   team   MUST enter at least one pair in one of the pairs competitions and at least one single player in one of the singles competitions. Any team failing to do so will be fined 10 points. Finals of both Men’s/Ladies Singles & Pairs will be played on Finals night.   Ladies Contests to be played over 1 night but Final too take place on Finals Night Mens Contests to be spread over 2 nights For clarity below “team” means either a person when in relation to Singles or two persons when talking pairs Prelim Round (If above 16 Teams turn up) Each team member will play 3 legs, the scores of each pair added together.  Top 8 teams to go through. 1st Round      Each team member will play 3 legs, the scores of each pair added together.  Top 8 teams to go through. 2nd Round    Each team member to play 3 legs, the scores of each pair added together.  Top 4 teams to go through. 3rd Round     Each team member to play 3 legs, scores added, top 2 teams go into the final. Heat Final      Each team member to play 6 legs, the scores of each pair added together. Heat winner goes onto Finals night FINAL              Each team member to play 6 legs, the scores of each pair added together. All Finals held on Finals night using one player or pair from each of prior heats.
21Knock out Cup – The team with the highest score goes on to the next round.
22Nomination Cup – The Rules 1)    This is a ‘Front Pin First’ Game 2)    You must hit the front pin before you start scoring in each leg. Any pins knocked down before the Front pin is hit don’t count and stay down.  Once you have hit the front pin you have to nominate which pin you are aiming for with your next ball, and don’t start scoring again until this pin has been hit. 3)    Having hit down illegal pins with your first ball and the second ball clears the remaining pins legally. Only the legal pins are stood back up and you must hit the front pin first again to score. Similarly, with a ‘flopper’ the front pin must be hit first again to start further scoring. 4)    Should you be unlucky enough to knock the front pin down without hitting it with the ball, no score is possible for that leg.
23Chris Chapman Cup Rules: Each team nominates two of their members (must have played a minimum of 3 games in this season in their league team). Every team MUST enter a pair in this competition. Any team failing to do so will be fined 10 points. 1).    This is a ‘Front Pin First’ Game 2).    You must hit the front pin before you start scoring in each leg. Any pins knocked down before the Front pin is hit don’t count and stay down. 3).    Having hit down illegal pins with your first ball and the second ball clears the remaining pins legally, only the legal pins are stood back up and you must hit the front pin first again to score. Similarly, with a ‘flopper’ the front pin must be hit first again to start further scoring. 4).    Should you be unlucky enough to knock the front pin down without hitting it with the ball, no score is possible for that leg. 1st Round      Each team member will play 3 legs, the scores of each pair added together.  Top 8 teams to go through. 2nd Round    Each team member to play 3 legs, the scores of each pair added together.  Top 4 teams to go through. 3rd Round     Each team member to play 3 legs, scores added, top 2 teams go into the final. FINAL              Each team member to play 6 legs, top pair wins the cup to be held for ONE YEAR to be presented on Presentation Night with a trophy.
25Captains Cup: Only team captains or Vice Captains are eligible to enter the Captains Cup competition.